Mt. Fuji Pins: top
Mt. Fuji Pins
Flower Series (5 types)
Donate to Mt. Fuji Environmental Conservation
You can choose 1 of your favorite pins (Donations of 1,000 yen will receive one set of 5 flower series pins) Application
Via mail: Please provide the following four items by phone or mail and we will send you a payment form. Once your contribution has been confirmed, we will send your pins. (We will pay for transfer and mailing fees) 1) Name 2) Address 3) Phone number 4) Desired types and number of pinsAddressFujisan Network Shizuoka PrefectureOffice of Wildlife Conservation, Environmental Protection Division 9-6 Ote-machi, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City 420-8601 Japan Phone: +81-(0)54-221-2963 |